Mensonges, mentiras, lies
16 Décembre 2010 , Rédigé par Frédéric Delorca Publié dans #Peuples d'Europe et UE
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Marty: Everyone knew about shocking crimes
16 December 2010 | 19:19 | Source: B92, Tanjug
PARIS -- Council of Europe (CoE) Rapporteur Dick Marty addressed reporters today as his draft report on human organ trafficking was adopted.
The Swiss, known for his exposure of illegal CIA-run prisons in Europe, put together a damning report on allegations that Serb and other civilians in Kosovo were kidnapped in the wake of the 1999 war, and taken to Albania where their organs were removed and sold in the black market.
The document names current Kosovo Albanian PM Hashim Thaci, formerly one of the leaders of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), as being responsible for these, and other serious crimes.
As the CoE Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee met today in Paris to adopt the report and draft acresolution that is expected to be debated in late January, Marty spoke to journalists during a news conference.
He stressed that he was "particularly shocked" to find out during his two-year investigation that a large number of people, and organizations, knew about the crimes but "did not wish to talk about it".
Marty noted that his report "said nothing new", and that "everybody knew about the crimes of the KLA".
What is new, the Swiss explained, "is that someone has said it, and put it in writing".
Marty told reporters that his task was to determine the facts related to a book written by former Chief Hague Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte - who first publicly mentioned the organ trafficking allegations in early 2008 - and that his job was "very delicate", because many people chose not to talk to him or his associates.
"The report simply determines that disturbing things have happened, that there is serious evidence that indicates the crimes did happen, that the crimes were committed by KLA members, and that to this day, these crimes have not been punished," Marty said.
The CoE rapporteur added that "these crimes have never been the subject of a serious investigation."
"Another revelation is that they include the territory of Albania. In that absolutely chaotic period in 1999 and 2000, that is, after the end of (NATO) bombardment and establishment of UNMIK, the KLA exercised power in the entire territory (of Kosovo), and that is when the crimes were committed. People were kidnapped, deported to Albania. You are aware that EULEX has opened an investigation related to secret prisons, Kukesh in northern Albania is mentioned there."
Marty went on to say that some parts of his report document "open ties between organized crime and politics, including representatives of the government", and that he was "not guided by rumors, but described the crimes based on many testimonies, documents and objective findings".
"Finally, we arrived at the conclusion that these events were known to many intelligence services from many countries. This was known to the police, to a large number of people, who would privately say, 'yes, I am aware of that', but who, for the sake of political opportunism, would decide to remain silent," he continued.
"What has shocked me is that most facts in this report were known to a large number of organizations, and yet that there was silence about it until this day. I believe that a future of a country cannot be built without truth, without insisting on truth and memory. There will never be peace between various communities if the principle of 'not wanting to know' continues," Marty warned.
Post scriptum : Le Monde a enfin daigné commenter l'info mais le 17.12 (le lendemain) et surtout pour dénigrer le rapport de Dick Marty en se fondant pratiquement sur le seul avis... de mon ancien maître de conf' à Sciences Po Jacques Rupnik qui s'était déjà distingué en 1999 dans de brillantes analyses du genre "Milosevic est un fou suicidaire qui laissera anéantir son pays plutôt que de signer la paix avec l'OTAN". Circulez y a rien à voir on vous dit !!!!!
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