Une histoire bizarre au Zimbabwe
8 Mars 2012 , Rédigé par Frédéric Delorca Publié dans #Les rapports hommes-femmes
Une histoire d'inceste qui se passe au Zimbabwe (je la trouve dans Zimbabwemetro du 13 février dernier). Le commentaire du chef local Nathan Muputirwa qui parle de "mauvais présage" est plutôt amusant. Etrange aussi qu'il dise qu'il ne peut pas tuer ces responsables de sacrilège comme il l'eût fait autrefois. L'Afrique bouge, et par moments, fait n'importe quoi.
"MASVINGO — A Masvingo woman and her son have fallen in love with one another. And now they want to marry since the mom, Betty Mbereko from Mwenezi in Masvingo, is six months pregnant and expecting her son’s child.
Mbereko (40), who was widowed 12 years ago, has been cohabiting with her first child, Farai Mbereko (23).
She confirms that she is six months pregnant and that she has decided it is better to “marry” her son because she does not want to marry her late husband’s young brothers, whom she says are coveting her.
Betty stunned a village court last week when she said the affair with her son had begun three years earlier.
She said after spending a lot of money sending Farai to school following the death of her husband, she felt she had a right to his money and no other woman was entitled to it.
“Look, I strove alone to send my son to school and no one helped me. Now you see that my son is working and you accuse me of doing something wrong. “Let me enjoy the products of my sweat,” she told the village court.
Farai said he was more than prepared to marry his mother and would pay off the ilobola balance his father had left unpaid to his grandparents.
“I know my father died before he finished paying the bride price and I am prepared to pay it off,” he said.
“It is better to publicise what is happening because people should know that I am the one who made my mother pregnant. Otherwise they will accuse her of promiscuity.”
But local headman Nathan Muputirwa says: “We cannot allow this to happen in our village, mashura chaiwo aya, (This is a bad omen indeed). In the past they would have to be killed but today we cannot do it because we are afraid of the police.” He warned them to break off their marriage or leave his village.
They chose the latter and have left the village for an unknown destination."
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