Marx et l'Islam
18 Février 2010 , Rédigé par Frédéric Delorca Publié dans #Colonialisme-impérialisme
"...Well, before entering the Jardin d'Essai' we took coffee, of course in the free air, a Mauresque 'café'. The Maure prepared it excellently, we were on a bank. On a rough table, in inclined positions, their legs crossed, half a dozen Maure visitors were delighted in their small 'cafetières',' (everyone gets one of his own) and together playing at cards (a conquest this on them of civilisation). Most striking this spectacle: Some these Maures were dressed pretentiously, even richly, others in, for once I dare call it blouses, sometime of white woollen appearance, now in rags and tatters-but in the eyes of a true Musulman such accidents, good or bad luck, do not distinguish Mahomet's children. Absolute equality in their social intercourse, not affected; on the contrary, only when demoralized, they become aware of it; as to the hatred against Christians and the hope of an ultimate victory over these infidels, their politicians justly consider this same feeling and practice of absolute equality (not of wealth or position but of personality) a guarantee of keeping up the one, of not giving up the latter.* (Nevertheless, they will go to rack and ruin without a revolutionary movement.)..."
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