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Le blog de Frédéric Delorca

Union sacrée des interventionnistes républicains et démocrates

7 Novembre 2010 , Rédigé par Frédéric Delorca Publié dans #Les Stazinis, #Barack Obama

Lu dans le Washington Post aujourd'hui : 11-septembre-copie-1.jpg

"President Obama stands a good chance of being reelected in 2012 if he makes progress in Afghanistan, he adopts a tougher line against Iran, the economy improves and there are no major terrorist attacks in the United States, a senior Republican said Saturday.


Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.), who has become a leading GOP national security spokesman, said that if Obama is looking for cooperation with Republicans, a continued U.S. military effort in Afghanistan is "one area where Republicans feel comfortable standing by the president" and are likely to give him more support than many in his own party."


Et puis pour égayer le présent billet, sur un autre segment de l'échiquier politique étatsunien, un clip électoral digne de notre Ségolène :


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